Our Blog

The rule of the big three

The goal is to reduce inneficiencies throughout business operations leading to mishandling main resources, therefore if our current sustainable business policies are not paying off  then we might just have to create them in order to rise our performace and accountability.

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Business owners, bigger and fresher is now better!

Your business and company is a very important and critical part within the value chain, hence the main focus of the business activity should be to make your daily operation as productive, sustainable and effective as possible, ensuring the well-being of your company, your team, your investors and your customers.

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Technology all the way, do not discard the human touch

We believe technological advances are meant to be good, help to solve existing complex problems and bring loads of added value to society and industry regardless. That is what we do at Cevrapp, we develop software addressing  the hospitality industry and its value chain challenges,

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You and your company matter much, our platform is your business motor

How could it be otherwise? If technology is your new business motor, together with your business model you can be a great or greater force within your field.
Technology has been, it is and will be everywhere as long as there is demand for it and advanced products and services keep adding value to our industry and society easing tasks and creating new markets, hence when you cannot defeat your enemy you know what is next.

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